Why should you exercise?

We all know that exercise is good for health but only few people know about the exact benefits. In this post we will discuss about it.

As far as exercise is concerned, the best phrase to sum up the importance of movement to your body and health is " Use it or lose it". Inactivity, a sedentary lifestyle, means that our bodies are steadily deteriorating and various health problems begin taking a toll. Equally important is the fact that exercise keeps stress and tension effects in check. It makes us feel better, too.

The value of exercise is high at all times of life, in childhood it is essential for growing up and developing strong bones and muscles, for adults it is necessary for keeping fit, and for older people exercise is essential in order to reduce problems like osteoporosis and maintain mobility as well as remain independent.

We all know that a healthy diet and adequate exercise are the mantra to a fit and healthy life. Although many books and magazines are devoted to encouraging us to work on these factors, they provide so much advice and differing theories and methods that it seems difficult to fulfill these aims. The aim here is to provide information on some of the exercises, which are more relevant to keeping the body youthful while being easy to perform.

There are certain golden rules for following an exercise regimen, one of them being that a minimum of 20 minutes of brisk exercise at least three times a week has to be maintained in order to derive any benefit from it, Having activity goals can be very useful, but they should not act as a deterrent to getting started; any amount of exercise is better than none. I would like to emphasize here that sudden, unaccustomed or inappropriate exercise can cause muscular-skeletal problems and people with certain conditions must seek medical advice before undertaking an exercise regimen.

The first advice is to take the kinds of exercise that you enjoy and that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle. Walking up and down stairs rather than taking the lift can be a simple example of fitting more movement into your life. Weekend walks, gardening, cycling or dancing are some leisure activities that can also help you to get fitter.

If you have not done much exercise for some time, do try to warm up and loosen the body before doing anything more strenuous and don't exercise right after a meal. If you are ill or very tired then limit the physical exertion.

What are the benefits of Regular and Adequate exercise?

Exercise help to work out the muscles, joints cardiovascular system, etc, so that when the time comes, normal work can be done without much strain, even in old age. a fit old man can run faster and catch a bus leaving an unfit younger person far behind, when the time comes. No wonder many commercials have this theme to promote their health products. Physical exercises help in increasing blood circulation, provide the muscles with oxygen through the blood streams. all this contributes to greater physical endurance and helps to accomplish daily tasks without fatigue.

exercises are the main means of burning calories, thereby keeping obesity in check and creating a pleasant feeling of fitness. Even if you may not become conscious of it immediately, exercise brings with it an improvement of posture, appearance and self-image. Exercise help to keep the internal organs toned up and perform to their optimum; this in turn helps keep illness away.

Regular and adequate exercise does not guarantee good health and long life, but they certainly help in both. Most people in western countries and now in India die of heart problems; it accounts for almost 65 percent of deaths over the age of 70, and 40 percent deaths over 60 years of age. Exercise help keep the heart in a fit state and people who exercise regularly are less prone to heart ailments in old age.

The long-term benefit of exercise is that the body is not allowed to gain weight and movement is relatively easier compared to an obese person, and the muscles retain the ability to flex more thereby proving more vigor to the body. This, by itself, is enough to generate the feel good factor.

The hidden benefits of exercising are many, but the main benefit seems to be the ability to the mind to cope with stress.  A fit person laughs more easily and enjoys the very business of living. It is a natural outcome of being fit because if you exercise well, you sleep well, and if you sleep well you remain devoid of stress and fatigue.

Exercise strengthens your heart and trains it ti use oxygen more efficiently. As your heart grows stronger, it can pump more blood through your body, which helps your body function. regular exercise can help keep your arteries more elastic, and build up muscles and bones at the same time. It also keeps you flexible so you can do all the activities you like. Because your muscles need energy to function while exercising, you will burn calories, which helps you lose weight, lose body fat and gain lean muscles. Exercise can also help speed up you metabolism.

Regular exercise has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, the number one killer in today's world. It has also been known to prevent certain cancers, combat obesity, increase flexibility and range of motion, improve your mood and stamina, and give you an injection of overall energy. In fact, aerobic exercise can also improve your mental health and ability to think, as well as perform and be creative. And if you exercise regularly, it serves as a good model for children. They are more likely to make exercise a habit if they see you doing it. experts report that by increasing your fitness level even by minimal amounts, you are actually adding years to your life, no matter when you start or what you look like.

Physical activity builds healthy bones, muscles and joints, and reduces the risk of colon cancer. Physical activity also brings psychological benefits. For example, it reduces feeling of depression and anxiety, improves mood and promotes a sense of well-being.

Today, there is a growing emphasis on looking good, feeling good and living longer. Increasingly, scientific evidence tells us that one of the keys to achieving these ideals is fitness and exercise. But if you spend your days at a sedentary job and pass your evening as a "cough potato" it may require some determination and commitment to make regular activity a part of your daily routine.

Exercise is not just for Olympic hopefuls to supermodels. In fact, you're never too unfit, too young or too old to get started. Regardless of your age, gender or role in life, you can benefit from regular physical activity. If you are committed, exercise in combination with a sensible diet can help provide an overall sense of well-being and can help prevent chronic illness, disability and premature death.

'Wow!' what a long list of the benefits of exercise? does anyone need any more reasons to begin an exercise regimen? I am sure not. Here in nutshell is a quick over of the benefits, for easy assimilation.

Some Benefits of Increased Activity are:

Improved Health
  • Increased efficiency of heart and lungs.
  • Reduced cholesterol levels.
  • Increased muscle strength.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Reduced risk of major illness such as diabetes and heart disease.
  • Weight loss.

Improves sense of well-being

  • More energy
  • less stress
  • improves quality of sleep
  • Improved ability to cope with stress
  • Increase mental acuity.

Improved appearance

  • Weight loss
  • Toned muscles
  • Improved posture

Enhanced social life

  • Improved self-image
  • Increased opportunities to make new friends
  • Increased opportunities to share in activity with friends or family members.

Increased stamina

  • Increased productivity
  • Increased physical capabilities
  • Less frequent injuries
  • Improved immunity to minor illness

What Risk Factors Does Exercising Reduce?

Exercise can help to reduce or eliminate some of these risk factors:

High blood pressure- regular exercise is associated with lower blood pressure.

cigarette smoking- smokers who exercise vigorously and regularly are more likely to cut down or stop smoking.

Diabetes- People at their ideal weight are much less likely to develop diabetes. Exercise may also decrease a diabetic's insulin requirements.

Obesity and overweight- Exercise can help people lose excess fat or stay at a reasonable weight.

Low levels of HDL- Low levels of HDL( of the cholesterol caring proteins in the blood) have been linked to an increase risk of co9ronary artery disease. Recent studies have shown that regular physical activity significantly increases HDL levels, and thus reduces your risk.

Under What Conditions Should One Not Exercise?

  • Moderate to severe coronary heart disease that causes chest pain from inimical activity.
  • A recent heart attack. A three-month waiting period is considered standard before moderate; medically supervised exercise programme can begin.
  • Severe heart valve defects and heart beat irregularities.
  • A greatly enlarged heart and certain type of congenital heart disease.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes where your bold sugar levels fluctuate constantly.
  • High blood pressure not controlled by medication.
  • Any infectious disease during its acute stage.

When Should You Consult A Doctor?

  • If you have a heart condition or you have had a stroke, and the doctor recommended only medically supervised physical activity.
  • During or right after you exercise, if you often have pains or pressure in the left or mid-chest area, left neck, shoulder or arm.
  • You've developed chest pain within the last month.
  • If you tend to lost consciousness or fall over due to dizziness, or you feel extremely breathless after mild exertion.
  • If your doctor has recommended that you take medicine for your blood pressure, heart conditions or for stroke.
  • If your doctor says you have bone, joint or muscle problems that could be made worse by the proposed physical activity.
  • If you have a medical condition or other physical reason, not mentioned here, that might need special attention in an exercise programme, i.e. insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • If you are middle-aged or older, haven't been physically active, and plan a relatively vigorous exercise programmed.
If none of these is true for you, you can start on a gradual, sensible programme of increase activity tailored to your needs. If you feel any of the physical symptoms listed above when you start your exercise program contact your doctor right away. If one or more of the above affect you, an exercise-stress tent may be used to help plan an exercise programme.


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