A to Z of Facial Exercises for Anti-Aging and Fitness

Are you tired of  wrinkles and an aging face? The panacea lies in doing certain exercises for the face. facial exercises can be effective in keeping you looking young since they prevent the slacking of facial muscles.

Benefits of Facial Exercises

Never mind how good you skin care might be, there will be a time in your life when all your facial muscles simply go slack, lax, saggy, baggy and creepy. Facial exercises are economical-they do not take great effort or too much time, and pay handsome dividends in achieving a more smooth, with less wrinkles, lines and bags, resulting in a skin that is glowing with health and vitality.

An ageing face has lines, wrinkles, folds and bags which are nothing but the supportive muscles in your face going soft- losing their firmness, and not supporting the skin any more. Facial exercises can help with this problem by creating the facelift your might need, with a non-surgical procedure.

Who can do these exercises?

Facial exercises are not only for mature people to achieve a youthful young, ageless and anti-aging face- but also for young people to maintain their youthful looks. They can be started at any age, in fact, sooner the better because they act as a deterrent to the formation of wrinkles and other lines on the face.

contrary to what some people believe, facial exercises do not cause wrinkles if done correctly- they actually help to make women and men look younger for longer, without a surgical facelift, by toning facial muscles. Surgical facelifts can be effective, but is expensive, and can be traumatic.

How do the facial exercises work?

a droopy double chin, or a couple of double chins, hanging cheeks, puckered up mouth, fold in your throat, puffy and droopy eyelids-does this sound familiar
? if it does, you definitely should get down to work.

The facial muscles are connected to the skin and the bone, and form the cushion on which the skin rests. If this cushion is flat, worn-out compressed and not consistent in thickness, the skin will also not look its best. The facial exercises not only benefit the supportive muscles, but also improve the skin, and tone, as the increased blood flow assists in bringing nutrition to, and removing toxins from the skin.

The elasticity and health of the skin is determined to a large extent on the underlying tone, strength and vitality of the supporting facial muscles. Facial muscles exercises, just like body muscles exercises must be done regularly to achieve and maintain results. To get your facial muscles toned up, do these facial exercises daily, for at least a month, or until the desired effect is achieved, and then do these exercises at least three times a week to maintain the results.

Some people report that minor spots or blemishes appear after starting facial exercises, this effect is normal. Since the skin is once again stimulated to produce its natural oils and lubricants, these minor spots may appear when starting facial exercises, until the skin is functioning efficiently and correctly again. Cells get lazy and stagnate, but with proper exercises these cells are once again activated to work with renewed vigor.

Anti-Aging Facial Exercises

The appearance of your skin relies in part on the supportive muscles and in order for these muscles to be well tones, firm and help project a vibrant and youthful face, they need to be exercised and well toned.

Exercises for the neck and throat

Here are some facial exercises that you might find useful in your quest for a smooth and ageless face, without any surgical facelift. Like normal exercises, facial exercises needs to be done regularly to achieve and get the full benefit from it. A double chin and "untidy" neck and throat can give an ageing look. some people might think that a double chin is simply excess weight manifesting itself, but what they don't realize is that it also is the manifestation of loose skin and terrible muscle tone.

My mother used to say that in order to ascertain a person's age, look at their neck and throat. There is nothing nice or pretty about a lined neck or throat with loose skin hanging around. these exercises are designed to relieve and prevent  double chin, tighten up the loose skin in the neck and throat rea and will also assist in toning these muscles.

Exercise 1

Sit upright tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and then start a chewing movement.
You will feel the muscles working in your neck and throat area.
Repeat 20 times.

Exercise 2

Sit upright, tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Start puckering your lips together in a kiss and stretch the kiss, as if you were trying to kiss ceiling.

Keep you r lips puckered for wo counts, then relax, bring your head back to normal and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 3

Sit upright, tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Open your lips and stick your tongue out as if you were trying to touch your chin with the tips of your tongue.

Keep your tongue out in this position for 10 counts, and return you tongue and head to its normal position.

Exercise 4

sit upright, tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Next more your lower lip over your top lip as far as possible and keep it there for a count of 5. Relax and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 5

Lie on your bed, with your head hanging down our the edge. Slowly bring your head up towards the floor again. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 6

Sit upright and face forward and while keeping your lips together, separate your teeth by drooping your jaw and then push you jaw forward, keep for a count of 10.

Bring the jaw back to starting position and repeat 5 times.

Eye and Forehead Exercises

Eyes are the windows to our souls, and it is better to surround your eyes with firm, smooth unlined skin, than to surround it with wrinkles, lines, character lines, crow's  feet or laugher lines. When we talk to people they tend to focus their attention on the eye area. a tired looking and lined area around the eyes can add years to the face.

The facial exercises deal with baggy eyes, puffy eyes, droopy eyelids, wrinkles on your forehead and in-smooth eyebrows.

Eye Exercises

The area around the eye is of the thinnest and most fragile kind found on the body, and wrinkles in this area can give an aging look to the face. Bags under the eyes also do great disservice to your looks and create an in-cared for look.

Baggy eyes can be helped with certain facial eye exercises, but baggy eyes can also be caused by a multitude of factors, which exercising may not resolve or sor out. Droopy eyelids can, however, benefits greatly form these facial exercises.

Exercise 1

Gently tone the muscles of the eyes by pressing tow fingers on each side of your head, at the temples, while opening and closing your eyes rapidly. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 2

Sit upright with your eyes closed and relaxed, while keeping your eyes closed, first look down and then look up as far as possible. repeat this exercise 10 times.

Exercises 3

Sit upright with your eyes closed and relaxed. Keep your eyes closed while lifting your eyebrows and stretching your eyelids down as far as possible.

Keep in this position for 5 counts, relax and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4

Sit upright with your eyes relaxed and open. Lift your eyebrows while closing your top eyelids until about halfway closed, then open your eyelids wide open until the white of your eyes shows over your iris.

Exercise 5

Sit upright looking straight ahead with your eyes open.
Look up then down, while keeping your head still, Repeat 10 times Then look left and right -repeat 10 times.

Forehead Exercises

The area on the forehead, between the eyebrows, can easily become lines and full of wrinkles. These exercises can be a great help in preventing the formation of these wrinkles.

Exercise 1

Frown as much as possible and try to bring your eyebrows over your eyes while pulling the eyebrows towards one another.

Then lift your eyebrow as far as possible while opening your eyes as wide as possible. Repeat 5 times.

Exercises 2

Lie on your bed with head hanging over the edge. lift your eyebrows as high as possible, with your eyes open very wide. Relax and repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3

Sit upright facing forward and wile bringing your eyebrows down over your eyes. wrinkle your nose as far up as possible while flaring your nostrils.

Keep for a count of 10, relax and repeat 5 times.

Lips and Cheeks exercises

If the skin around your mouth is puckered and lined, it not only gives you a bitter look, but also adds years to your visual age. A "bitter" mouth with grim lines and furrows are the "look" of a positive and vital person, and sagging jowls and cheeks might look good on certain dogs, but definitely not on humans.

These exercises are effective in dealing with wrinkled and lined lips as well as lined and saggind cheeks.

Exercises for the Lips

Exercise 1

Sit upright facing forwards and purse your lips together. Lift your pursed lips towards your nose and keep it there for 5 counts, relax and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 2

Pucker your lips slightly and in this puckered position try with your mouth muscles to bring the corners of your mouth together as close as possible.
Keep the lips position for 5 counts, relax and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 3

Sit upright, facing forwards and keep your lips closed and teeth together. Smile as broadly as possible, without opening your lips.

Keep it in that position for 5 counts. When the muscles begin relaxing pucker your lips in a pointed kiss. Hold for 5 counts and relax. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 4

Move your lips into puckered kiss and while relaxing the kiss keep your lips closed and curl your lips into your mouth across your teeth.

hold this position for a count of 10 and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 5

Sit relaxed with your lips barely open and pucker your lips outwards. While your lips are in the outward position, move your puckered top lip towards your nose. hold in this position for 10 counts and repeat 5 times.

Exercises for the Cheeks

Hanging skin forming that hang-dog look around your cheeks can be most aging. Here are some facial exercises to lift and firm the cheeks.

Exercise 1

Sit upright facing forward with lips closed but relaxed. Pucker and pout your lips using the muscles in your cheeks.( Feel with your fingers for the tightening of the cheek muscles)

Keep it puckered for a count of 10, relax repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2

Relax your face into a smile with your lips closed and then suck in your cheeks towards and on to your teeth.
Hold this for 10 counts, relax and repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3

Look into a mirror while doing this exercise

Pout your top lip, turning the corners of your lips upwards and move your cheeks muscles towards your eyes.

You should at this stage try to get your top lip touching your nose. Keep in this position for 10 counts, relax and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4

Look into a mirror while doing this exercise.

Smile a wide as possible- while keeping your lips closed and your mouth corners turned up.

Try to make your mouth corners touch your ears. Next wrinkle you nose and see your cheeks muscle move upwards and feel these muscles work.

Hold this position for 5 counts, relax and repeat 10 times.


Keeping your teeth and lips closed blow air under your top lip and keep it there for 10 counts, then move it to your left cheek's side.

Hold for 10 counts then blow air under your lower lip.

Hold for 10 counts and then blow air into your right cheek while holding it for a count of 10. Repeat 5 times.

Some more Facial exercises

These exercises are designed to develop tone for the facial muscles. Each of these exercises should be done for 6 seconds and repeated for 10 minutes a day. Work on the specific area while keeping the rest of the face relaxed.

Horizontal Forehead Lines

Place the sides of the forefingers gently but firmly against the forehead just above eyebrows, allowing the thumbs to rest lightly on the cheeks.

Raise the eyebrows against the resistance of the fingers.

Vertical Forehead Lines

Place the underside of the fore fingers flat against the forehead just above the eyebrows and pull gently towards the temple.


Raise your eyebrows, lower your eyes and hold it them at halt open position for 10 seconds and relax.

For the Laugh lines

Place the hands flat on the cheeks with the finger- tips touching the cheek-bones and the wrist meeting together.

Gently pull towards the ears. Holding this position say 'you'.

Droopy Chin

Hold you head up straight, chin level and shoulders back and relaxed place your forefinger horizontally between your teeth.

Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth while keeping your teeth touching your finger.

Neck with your mouth half open, place your palms under your jaw and curve your fingers around to rest lightly on the side of your cheek bones.

Try to open your mouth against the resistance of your hands.


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